Megan & Carlotta

Megan & Carlotta, Figure & Portrait
Megan & Carlotta
This is my niece Megan Sterle. Megan works for my sister, Margaret Sterle, who is a veterinarian in Decatur, TX, Pet Health Center, LLC. Needless to say, they do a lot of C-sections and sometimes the puppies have congenital defects like cleft pallet issues. The consensus is, these puppies all deserve a chance to make it and so If the owner agrees to surrender the puppy to Megan she rescues it and mothers them until they are weaned. Then she finds a good home for them. Sometimes the home is at her house.???? This one belongs to Megan! I am so proud of her and how she lovingly cares for her puppies so they can have the chance for a great life!

Figure & Portrait    24 x 24 x 1.5